How can diseases and disorders of the body be related to your emotions?
Very simple, if you are not expressing your negative emotion, it means that you are suppressing it. If you keep on suppressing it for a sustained period of time, instead of going out, it goes in. And it gets 'impressed' in your body.
Remember the last time you felt very angry, humiliated or frustrated. Remember it a little more. Now feel it ten time over. Do not let it come out by expressing it through your body or speech. Can you feel some sensations in your body? Where do you feel it? Something in your body has shifted. You are breathing differently. You may also feel the sensation in the extremes of your body, in the palms and fingers, in the soles of the feet and the legs, in the chest or in the stomach. It is like the pressure of some force, some energy wanting to come out and not being allowed to. This is your suppressed emotion.
We are not allowed to express it due to social norms, consideration or because we were told not to express that emotion. We were told or we concluded that it is 'not ok' to express that emotion. We decided that to express that emotion invites disapproval or other costs that we do not want to pay in our lives and resolved not to express it. In extreme cases, we were forced to, we became 'ellergic' to that emotion.
It is such a suppressed emotion, subtle-low grade-almost not noticable, or loud-high intensity-clearly felt emotion that can and does get impressed in our body. In a big traumatic eventful moment, or layer-by-layer with repeated suppression over the years.
When you clear the emotional impact and psyenergise it, the body, the mind and the energy system, all heal simultaneously.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Expression, Suppression or Impression
Sunday, August 1, 2010
What would you do if you loved yourself a little more?
What does the quality of your waking hours depend upon? Upon the quality of your sleep hours.
What would the quality of your work hours depend upon? Quite obviously, upon the fun and play you are having!
There are four parameters which can indicate the quality of one's wellness: Sleep,Food,Exercise and Fun.
Is your sleep just sleep? or is it 'Rest'?
Are you just eating yourself? or are you 'nourishing' yourself?
Are you just exercising? Or having physical rejuvenation through the wholeness of it?
And finally, are you having enough fun and play in your life.
One or more of the above is always taking a beating while the others go on at the best levels. For your next Peak-Performance, have a look at these parameters to check if each is at its peak level. Which one is (or which ones are) getting a step-child treatment, getting neglected...almost as if it is someone else's business, someone else's life or someone else's responsibility.
The barrier to one's wellness is always a subtle (when not blatant) emotional/psychological/attitudinal/behavioural block. And all such blocks are just forgetting to love oneself a little more.
The person who is providing sufficient rest and eating good food does not take time out for exercise.Would he do that if he loved himself a little more?
This executive who is a conscientious worker, is eating well, exercising, and coming home to surf the net and watch TV for unwinding and entertainment, is sleep deprived? Would she let go of some of the TV if she loved herself a little more?
This ideal businessman and respected member of the community is turning into an 'I-DULL' man. He is eating well, sleeping well, exercising regularly, but his entertainment has become those socially obligatory get-togethers, instead of going out and tracking in the woods or making a few sketches that he would soo love to make one day. Would he deprive himself of this authentic fun and play if he loved himself a little more?
This is where energy-psychology (EFT & GAGA) become relevant. You may be feeling in balance, because you are over compensating more one of these. But you can look at your emotional/psychological/attitudinal/behavioural blocks coming in the way of any of these parameters. These blocks would be coming in the way such that you are unable to feel inspired or put into practice one or more of rest, nourishment, exercise and playful fun.
You can Audit,Troubleshoot and Overhaul them with energy-psychology, to go to the next level of holistic wellness and thus, to the next level of your Peak-Performance. You can move from your lop-sided, compensated,fake balance to a new, authentic and expanded equilibrium. That would be your new self...that would be a 'New Winner'!
The rewards of using would be reflected on your sleep,food, but more importantly on your work life, personal life, social and community life. There will be this new level of Psyenergy available to you, for experiencing and impacting, dealing, dancing with each of these areas of your life.
The problem of the world is not that people are selfish. We would be much safer and fulfilled if people were really selfish. The problem is that we do not love ourselves enough. We would live different lives and structure the hours of our days of our years of OUR life, if we loved ourselves...just a little more.
Frankly speaking, i don't care much if you are not getting that increment,that business or that posting...or even those Oscars,Nobels or Olympic medals, if you are screwing up any of these parameters. Achievements are cheap substitutes for an internal psychological fulfillment, getting reflected in the compromise of these parameters.
If all four of these parameters are at their best for you, do tell me about it. I would love to learn more about you and more from you! If not, stop for a moment and think what is coming in the way of it? And use EFT, GAGA, Energy-Psychology to go past it.