Here's sharing with you the first person account of how a three year old back pain went away with EFT. I guess Shephali has left nothing much for me to add, except to underline that yes, it was her 'coachability' and surrender to the process that created a space for such fantastic relief for herself !
Shephali wrote:
" My 3 year old backache went away completely with EFT
I always thought I was the privileged one for I got married at the age of
24, had my first baby at 27, and the second one at 30. It was the perfect
family at the ideal time. But then there is other side of the coin too!
I was very fit and healthy since my childhood. I had a great health and a
great time during both of my pregnancies. In my first pregnancy, I was
admitted to the hospital early morning at 7:00 and pain was induced to me. I
was getting pains after every 1 minutes for a duration of 50 sec and the
whole day went like that. Finally, I gave up at around 10:30 at night and
requested for an epidural . (It is the most popular anesthesia for pain
relief during labour.) That epidural did not work for me. I was finally
operated and my first child, Aryaman, was born at midnight.
New beautiful phase of my life started with its own course of ups and down.
Most of the problems went away with time, except the most crucial back-ache
problem. Since Aryaman was born, this problem had persisted and it went
worse day by day. Possible reasons according to me were:
1. Aryaman was a heavy weight child.
2. Epidural was injected in wrong vertebra and any mishap with the spinal
cord can create problems for the whole life.
3. It’s the usual pain that comes as a package deal in pregnancy and
I remember I tried everything to fight this pain including using hot water
bag, physiotherapy, twisting pose in yoga, lots of sleep, walk and exercise
and even Revital tablets and still I couldn’t sit without a back
support. In any unfavorable or stressful situation, the pain came back
again. Bending down was like dying in that pain …. And finally I was clear I
have to live with it …..
After 3 years I had my second child, my baby girl Kuhu, and the backache
became worst ever. I was sure in my mind that this was something inevitable,
so this time I did not panic.
When my daughter was around 2 months old I met Kshitij. He gave us, me and
my husband, a book to read “Heal Your Body” and told me about EFT. This was
a very interesting world of emotional roots and energy blockage, and I
couldn’t resist talking to Kshitij about whether it really worked? He smiled
and confidently said it really did and my EFT session started.
This EFT session started in a completely insignificant manner and with lots
of fun too. Kshitij asked me so many things about the past, (I was like what
has it got to do with my backache) and made me do some funny thing.
Although I don’t remember a lot about what all he actually asked me or made
me do, but it included repeating few statements like “I truly love myself
and completely accept myself”.
I was very coachable and did as required. There was so much that opened up
for me in just that one session. I realized that I was born and brought up
in an environment where each and every penny counted and everything had
become valuable for me in my life. Even though I have abundance of money now
but I was still living with the same scarcity conversation about money. It
impacted everything in my life, even the most important relationship with my
husband. (u know usual arguments relating to money issues!)
With the help of these conversations about past and present, plus some EFT
exercises, all of my backache was gone. I kept looking for it for a few
days. I did all bending down, picking stuff from the floor, dancing, tiring
myself, picking weights, but to my surprise there was no backache. I
realized all the valid reasons for backache were just reasons I was giving
myself. The root cause was some financial insecurity that had crept in as
soon as Aryaman was born and I had to quit my job.
My EFT session resulted in a life free from backache along with a great
relationship with my husband, and not the least, the freedom to acknowledge
and enjoy all that I have in life!
I’m so thankful to Kshitij for he gave me the control of my emotions in my
life through EFT. Me being the heart of the family, having this tool is a
boon to be healthy myself and letting everybody in my family be healthy and
fit !
shephali shukla
Monday, May 19, 2008
3 year old backache gone
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Migraine(2) and Vertigo
Each time one is working on something, one needs to follow what one knows. And yet, one is required to be constantly in the “beginner’s mind”, perpetually alert to what exact path the healing wants to take. Actually, when one gets oneself out of the way, intuition has a field day, and that is when the fastest results happen.
The case in point is another migraine I worked on. Or ended up working on, though we were actually working on Vertigo.
She was suffering with vertigo for more than six months. She had been through the battery of tests and had consulted a few medical practitioners with marginal relief.
I followed my intuition and let her start speaking about her symptoms and which time during the day did they manifest the most. Her vertigo would start as soon as she got up in the morning and would go on till late in the day. Sometime even till the time she hit the bed again at night.
Instead of the usual repeated tapping for specific symptoms, I intutively felt like adopting another route. I asked her to talk to me. I also invited her to follow me and tap wherever I tapped, while she spoke to me. ( I took her through all the meridian points once before we started. )
Very gently, the conversation swayed to her present concerns, exploring the resonance of which took her to her childhood, and then to the incompletion with her late mother. Every once in a while, guided by my intuition, I would shift to a new point and so would she.
I asked her to talk to me about her childhood. Once warmed up to talking about her childhood, I asked her to talk about her mother. Her mother had passed away, after a couple of traumatic deaths in the family. Her sadness came up and gradually got dissolved. You could see a definite peace on her face in the later conversations about her mother.
I repeated the same thing for her father. She went through a similar cycle of sadness, but it was combined with anxiety as well, about his health and some other issues that could be troubling him.
There was no vertigo next morning.
She had reported the most severe bouts of vertigo when she would get up in the morning. Almost everyday, progressively getting worse, for last many months. But the next day, she got up normally, easily. So easily, that when I enquired about it in the afternoon, she talked to me as if I was asking about a distant memory, a condition which was ancient history! (which incidentally, is such a regular reaction I receive: Pain? What pain? Oh that pain!...yeah, it’s not there…yeah, it’s 0…yeah, I guess I should celebrate!)
She said she didn’t have any of her usual vertigo, but said that migraine was troubling her. It was almost implied that the vertigo has now become migraine!
I explained to her that in all likelihood, this migraine was independent of the vertigo we got rid of. But keeping a doubt in reserve, even if we assume that there was a connection, it still meant that something was cleaned up for something below the surface to show up, and all that was required was to chase the symptoms and dissolve them.
So we did another couple of rounds of tapping. I also made her do a “Detox-Pratyahar”, a relaxation-psyenergising routine. And she felt complete relief.
A couple of months later, when I asked her how she was doing, she said neither the vertigo nor the migraine had troubled her since we worked on them. Why wasn’t I surprised ?!!
I would like to share two inspiring successes with migraine and vertigo. In the first case, the migraine shifted from the left side to the right, and then disappeared completely. In the second case, we started working on vertigo. The vertigo disappeared, making way for , or was independently followed the next day by, migraine. A few more rounds of EFT and the migraine went away as well.
In the first case, I had known the girl socially for sometime(name withheld for confidentiality). I was aware that she had had a troubled childhood, involving a messy separation and divorce of her parents and the custody battles for her and her siblings.
When we started working on her migraine, she reported her headache at 9. We started tapping with “this headache” and “migraine”. After a few rounds, we tapped for “the remaining headache”. She reached at 4. But the pain got stuck at that level only.
Clearly, It was time to get to the emotional aspects. No guesses where they would have led us to. She remembered having these migraine attacks whenever she was witnessing, jurying over, or hopelessly trying to resolve, one of the fights between her parents. And it was first time during this session that she actually was present to the connection.
I asked her to visualize the one fight she remembered most vividly. She remembered one where the family was reuniting many years after the kids had been tossed from one parent to another. It was a time the kids (she and her two sisters ) were looking forward to. And yet, they were secretly scared.
Within a few hours of the family getting together, the inevitable happened: an uproarious altercation between the parents. While one of her siblings howled hysterically between the two of them and the other one cringed in a corner weeping silently.
We tapped for the fear, the anger and frustration at the situation, and at each of the parent, for their insensitivity and their ego trip.
We covered a few of these aspects. And then before I could ask her for any shift, she turned to me with a strange look in her eyes. She said that something unique had happened.Her pain had shifted from the right side of the head to the left side! In the long history of her migraine, this had never happened before. She was finding this itself extraordinary.
We chased the pain. (She was a little reluctant as for some reason she wanted to feel how it felt to have the migraine on the other side!!!)
One shortcut round, and the migraine was gone completely.
I last spoke to her a few months after we had worked on her migraine. And she had developed the most common side effect of EFT – AMNESIA! She had forgotten she ever had migraine troubling her so badly.
Effectiveness of EFT
How effectively the EFT delivers the results that you are set to achieve for yourself, along with miraculous by-products, can be impacted by these three:
1.Being specific
how specific are you in your description of the problem and the new state / outcome that you want for yourself.
For the physical issue this is much easier. If it is a back ache, which part of the back, where all is it spread, what shape is it spread in and if it has a concentrated centre. Then of course, we can look at the the colour, temperature, texture of the pain. For different individuals, the answer to some of these questions will be vivid and for others, it could be the other set.
For the emotional issues again, look at the change that happens in the body. Also, one knows where in the body is that emotion stored (of course, subjectively!) It can be made more specific by the adding the name of the person or event attached with that feeling. for instance, "this interview anxiety", "this boss stress headache", "this mother bias sadness".
2.Being Persistent
I have seen some mammoth wonders resulting from the persistence that some of the client-friends have bring forth. I am sometime embarrassed and always inspired by the kind of persistence that even i find it difficult to generate at times.
A lot of people approach me after reading the article on how the blood platelet of someone i worked with shot up in half a day of intense EFT. There was another case which was exactly opposite in most ways. This young lady was suffering with a blood platelet disorder and we were working over phone. She spoke only smattering of english with a heavy accent. Where she lived was a town where Platelet count facility was also not available. she would go to a town 45 mins away to get the count done. We worked over a period of 10-12 days in various half an hour sessions. I would leave her with homework to do by herself.
When we were still struggling to reach a platelet count of a hundred thousand, she started finding difficult to call as she was finding the outstation calls expensive. I gave her all the phrases to work on.
About a month later, almost forty five days after she started EFT, her reports showed she was well ensconced in a 200,000+ count.
Of course we had done a lot of cleaning, and yes, we did a lot of planting new future choices to stimulate the desire to live, through EFT. But one of the most critical things that made a difference was that she persistently tapped for forty five days!
3.Chunking-Up / Chunking-Down
Or if you are photography inclined, zoom-in, zoom-out . when you have been tapping for sometime without any shift, it is time to do some chunking.
Break the problem or the issue in smaller parts, even if sounds ridiculous at times. If there is "money worry", break it in "this money worry about the rent" "This money worry about the credit card payment" and so on. It might open up the more critical chunks for you and you could tap on them more and for more of their aspects.
And then there can be time when there seem to be so many, simply so many problems, that you don't know where to begin. And it is tiring and overwhelming to go through the countless items on the list. Chunk up. Zoom out. Tap first for "all these problems". If there are too many discomforts,pains or diseases in the body, zoom out and start with "all this illness in the body" or "my diseased body".
The bottom-line really is, DANCE. Go in front, move back. Bend, move. Have fun doing EFT!
Increasing blood platelet count (2)
In my last post, i had spoken of increasing the platelet count. check :
Increasing blood platelet count (1)
I had another success in increasing the Platelet count of a Dengue patient within a month of Tanveer. We were able to reach 175,000 from 34,000 in 4 days. It took a different pace though – it stagnated around 35,000 on the first day of EFT (against the free-fall in the previous days), and then shot up dramatically from the second day. Some learning reinforcement there: for the same starting and end point, EFT could follow different pace and different path. BE PERSISTENT !
Increasing blood platelet count (1)
Read this article in original with EFT Founder Gary Craig's comments on :
I had been practicing EFT for more than 3 years then. And staying true to the words of Gary Craig, the founder of EFT, I was using it on EVERYTHING that I came across, and was able to make some brilliant shifts. And then something exhilarating happened.
I got to know of his illness during the week, but on Sunday morning I got to know that the situation was far worse than I thought it was. Doctors were suspecting Dengue Fever, for which, apparently there is no cure in mainstream allopathic medicine.
[There’s a short write-up on Dengue Fever at the end of this article]
Doctors feared that he was on the verge of multiple organ failure; his liver and pancreas had swollen, there was water retention in lungs and abdomen, and his blood platelet count was threateningly low at 30,000 (normal is 250, 000 – 500,000). In short, his was on his death bed.
[Note: A Platelet count below 100,000/volume is alarming - immediate medical attention is required. A Platelet count below 30,000 is fatal. There is fear of spontaneous bleeding, with renal failure and unconsciousness being other complications. A fall in platelet count prevents formation of clots - and this leads to hemorrhage - which results into both INTERNAL & EXTERNAL bleeding - once bleeding starts the situation is almost irrecoverable.]
Since it was a “wait and watch” situation from the doctors’ side, I decided to apply EFT there. When I reached the hospital at 10 am, I found him too weak to tap for himself, and so I started with surrogate tapping on myself. In a couple of hours, he was himself asking to be tapped (he had been exposed to EFT before) and things became more effective. I tapped on him and, whenever he could not speak well, I also said the phrases aloud for him.
I used what I call, the “IS -- Going-Going -- Gone” approach. Let me elaborate on this. The first set–up phrase here is our classic EFT phrase , followed by one or two set-up phrases that describe the negative experience/issue going away/disappearing, followed by final statement of the desired condition (choice).
For platelets we tapped first with
“even though my platelet count is low, I deeply and profoundly love myself”.
This was followed with
“ I bless you and release you, this low platelet count in my blood” and
“I choose for myself, my platelet count fast rising to 150,000”.
(The doctor had said anything between 100,000 and 200,000 would be good and so the CHOICE of 150,000),
and finally,
“I accept my platelet count to be 150,000”.
We also did small variations and modifications for further rounds like “…bless and COMPLETELY release whatever is causing this low platelet count”,
“ I choose my platelet count to be 150,000, right now”.
Acknowledgement is in order for Louise L. Hay, from whose book I picked this creative-compassionate phrase of healing
“…bless you and release you…”.
Similarly, we tapped for other areas, replacing “low platelet count” with “..this swelling in my liver”, “.. this swelling in my pancreas”, “..this water in my lungs” “..this water in my abdomen”;….
and “platelet count 150,000” with “perfectly normal lungs”, and so on. I don’t really have to point out that I was this non-medico, using a combination of medical and layman language to set-up the phrases intuitively.
We did about 4 to 5 complete sets of rounds for each issue till 8 pm, by which time I was itching to know the effects of all this tapping. (Well, asking him to guess his platelet count at the end of the day wouldn’t be of much use, would it? … and unless you do a 0-10 intensity rating post-tapping, you don’t feel you’ve done anything at all, do you, Gary? :-,)
The blood sample was taken, and guess what the platelet count was? 106,000. Please note that no platelet/plasma was given to him externally, through IV or anything.
The doctors, in this case, were unaware of my EFT treatments with him. They needed to explain his astonishing recovery, of course, and so simply said that he unexpectedly responded to their treatments. I did rounds for the next two days also. Gradually, all the indicators returned to normal. He went back to his work in a couple of weeks with a platelet count of 250,000.
EFT can have far reaching applications in treating Blood count disorders as these cases suggest. Through the EFT newsletter, I would like to remind-appeal to all those who are listening: “If nothing else works on a blood count disorder, Try EFT” ! Or as Gary Craig would say, "why not the first ? "
I am contactable for any further sharing that can help us with the same. Please feel free to contact me for any assistance, clarification or any other support that I can provide. Also, please keep me posted with your experiences if you use this for something in the future.
About Dengue Fever:
“The fever is caused by a mosquito bite. The Mosquito acts as a carrier of the Dengue Virus. The virus's main affect is on the PLATELET production. Normally the platelets in our body last for about 4 days and the body replenishes them when required. This virus DESTROYS THE BODY's CAPACITY TO PRODUCE NEW PLATELET's (during the period it is effective). The PLATELET count for a normal person varies from 150,000 – 500,000 per unit volume. On getting infected the patients PLATELET COUNT STARTS FALLING. A PLATELET count BELOW 100,000 /volume is ALARMING - immediate medical attention is required. A PLATELET count BELOW 30,000 is FATAL. (There is fear of spontaneous bleeding, with renal failure and unconsciousness being other complications)
A fall in platelet count PREVENTS FORMATION OF CLOTS - and this leads to HEMORRHAGE - which results into both INTERNAL & EXTERNAL BLEEDING - once bleeding starts the situation is almost IRRECOVERABLE.
As is known to everybody VIRAL DISEASES HAVE NO CURE - you only TRY TO SUBSTITUTE FOR THOSE body functions that have stopped functioning. The ONLY cure is to CONSTANTLY REPLENISH THE BODY WITH PLATELETS. This requires giving BLOOD / PLATELET. Early detection and timely input will prevent HEMORRHAGE. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT HEMORRHAGE MUST BE PREVENTED BECAUSE ONCE HEMORRHAGE STARTS YOUR BODY PARTS WILL GET AFFECTED AND STOP FUNCTIONING and finally it leads to Death.”
Source: CES, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Getting immediately started with EFT
So you are ready to immediately start using EFT. Okay, come right ahead!
Whatever it is that is troubling you, use the following procedure:
1.Tapping gently, but firmly, with the tips of your fingers in the middle of the eyes, say:
“Even though I have this ………………….., I deeply love myself and completely accept myself.”
(for example, this backache/this headache/this anxiety/this depression/this love-pain/...)
2.Tapping gently, but firmly, with the tips of your fingers on the side of the eye, say:
“Even though I have this ………………….., I deeply love myself and completely accept myself.”
3.Tapping very gently, with the tips of your fingers below the eye, say:
“Even though I have this ………………….., I deeply love myself and completely accept myself.”
4. Tapping gently, but firmly, with the tips of your fingers below the nose, say:
“Even though I have this ………………….., I deeply love myself and completely accept myself.”
5. Tapping gently, but firmly, with the tips of your fingers below the lower lip, say:
“Even though I have this ………………….., I deeply love myself and completely accept myself.”
6.Tapping gently, but firmly, with the tips of your fingers all over the flat bone of the chest, say:
“Even though I have this ………………….., I deeply love myself and completely accept myself.”
If the physical/emotional/mental discomfort that you filled in the blank with has reduced, repeat tapping. This time, say
““Even though I have this remaining………………….., I deeply love myself and completely accept myself.”
Keep repeating such rounds till the discomfort disappears.